I have a hard time “getting” some of the teen heart throbs of today. I decided to go back and check out who I thought was hot back in the day, and it appears I had a type! Ha! Here’s who I thought was hot in the 80’s. I’d love to hear who you thought was hot in the comments!
Matt Dillon-Always so cute in the 80’s and looks pretty much the same today. Clearly drinking from the Rob Lowe fountain of youth!
Jake Ryan-No need to say anymore!
The late Michael Hutchence-Loved his music and him!
Mickey Rourke-Pre-ruination of his face, he was beautiful.
Kip Winger-the best teeth of the 80’s!
Rob Lowe-the granddaddy of them all! Young Rob was so pretty! Old Rob is still pretty, but look at that face!
What do you think of my list? Who would you add or subtract? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!