One of the fun things about blogging is the blog friends you meet via it. It really is a very supportive community and I really look forward to finding new blogs all the time. One bloggy friend I’ve made is Tiffany from Bright on a Budget. We haven’t yet met in person, but we have been commenting back and forth on each other’s blogs for a couple weeks.
Tiffany nominated me for a Liebster Award and if I understand it right, I list 11 random facts about myself and then answer her 11 questions. Hopefully I got that right! It is a great way to learn more about your favorite bloggers. Be sure to check out Bright on a Budget and Lemonade Linings to learn more about the bloggers behind them!
Here goes eleven randoms about me:
1. I tell my dog what to expect about his day every morning and evening. Like today I told him someone was stopping by the house after work. Go ahead, you can talk about me!
2. I love football! Especially my Steelers! I have been to training camp, other stadiums, love it!
3. I am a super picky eater and mainly order the exact same things from restaurants every time I go. No adventure for me!
4. I have a full time job, a Facebook auction jewelry business (Babushka Betty) and this blog. I like to stay busy.
5. We have a pet turtle named Polly. Not really sure how that happened, but now she lives here.
6. My husband and I ride into town together nearly every day. I really thought it would last about a week, but we are a year into it and still doing it.
7. I was an extra in a movie with Matt Damon. Promised Land, go check it out.
8. I love animal print and try to sneak a little into almost every room in the house.
9. I love crafty tutorials, pins and blogs but I am not very artistic myself, plus I think I have craft ADD.
10. I love Pittsburgh, but the winters are starting to get to me. If I were going to move, it would be to the beach.
11. I wear sunglasses pretty much every day. Sun really bothers my eyes, so I just wear them winter and summer.
Now here are my answer’s to Tiffany’s questions:
1. Who’s been the biggest influence in your life? My parents, I got my work ethic from them for sure.
2. What are you most proud of accomplishing? I always strive to be better, so that’s a hard one for me.
3. Prince Harry or Prince William; why?
Prince Harry all the way! He looks like way more fun!
Dr. G says
What a great way to find out about another Pittsburgh blogger! Go Steelers! I’m off to find you on twitter and FB!
Dr. G recently posted…Astoria Moms&Dads and Astoria Center of Israel, New York City
Tif says
Let’s go, Steelers!!!!! We love the Steelers in my household–Kane even went as Troy Polamalu for his 1st Halloween last year, complete with hair:)
And Prince Harry is totally my choice too!
Tif @ Bright on a Budget
Tif recently posted…Victoria’s Secret PINK FRIDAY– Today ONLY
bja7765 says
The Steelers are the only way to go!