My patriotic door wreath was looking a little worse for the wear, so I thought it was time for something new. Last week I stopped into Hobby Lobby to grab some materials to make a late summer/early fall wreath. I didn’t want to go completely fall since we still have a few weeks of summer left, but I also didn’t want to go super bright and summery for the same reason.
I wasn’t 100% sure what I wanted, but I knew sunflowers were going to be a part of it. I first perused the flower aisles and found some wildflower type stems and some long stemmed sunflowers and then continued over to the fall décor area and hit the jackpot. Hobby Lobby had a ton of short stem sunflowers mixed in with their leaves and other autumn décor. I quickly put my long stems back and grabbed a variety of the short ones.
I am working on my wreath making skills and used to be super intimidated to make them myself, but they are pretty easy once you start. There are tons of tutorials on Pinterest, but I thought you might like to see how I put mine together. Total time to put together was probably 15 minutes. Super quick and super easy!
Here’s my materials: Two bunches of grassy stems, two bunches of wildflowers, a grapevine wreath and a bunch of short stemmed sunflowers. All from Hobby Lobby.
I cut apart my bunches and started sticking them into my grapevine wreath. I tried a couple of different arrangements and decided to go with my floral components on top and a bow on the bottom. I tend to just play around with my floral stems until I find something I like. Usually, I just weave them into the grapevine wreath, but since this one was going to be out in the elements, I used some floral wire and secured them to the back of the wreath. I always buy the floral wire that is already cut, versus the kind you cut yourself.
Ignore my giant hand, but I wanted to show how short the stem is on this sunflower. It was super easy to weave into the grapevine wreath. Again, I bought a couple different versions, so I tried a few out until I liked how they looked.
Here she is in all her glory on the door. I did fluff it a little after I took the photo because it looked a little droopy to me. That’s the beauty of making a wreath yourself, you can bend the flowers however looks best on your door. I added a burlap bow to the bottom to give a little rustic feeling.
Here’s a close up of the wreath on my door. She’s been out there for about a week and survived a horrific rainstorm, so I think she is going to last until mid-September at least. How about you? Do you DIY your wreaths? If not, are you encouraged to try now?