It’s no surprise I am a shopper. I love shopping, always have, probably always will. I, of course, prefer to actually buy something while shopping, but I am okay with just browsing too. I really like knowing where you can find things and I tend to be the resource for friends and family when they are looking for a particular item. Sadly, I can probably even tell you the aisle you can find it in.
I spend an equal amount of time online and in store browsing, but when it comes time to buy, I tend to want to do it in store, if at all possible. Why do I do that? I really like the immediacy of leaving the store with my bag of goods! I also like the option of touching the item, trying it on, etc. I think I like the thrill of just turning a corner and seeing THE item you wanted, just sitting there waiting for you. Plus, I think I really like leaving with a shopping bag. Bizarre, I know.
I am always hugely bummed when a store doesn’t have what I wanted and I have to end up ordering it in store. No shopping bag! I think shopping is just one of those ways I’ve learned to relax. Just walking through the aisles seeing what’s out there causes me to stop stressing. Clearly I need therapy!
I do buy things online, but they tend to be items I can’t find anywhere else. And I definitely comparison shop online. If it came down to buying it online versus in store for a better price, I’m not crazy, I would buy it online! And it does always improve my day when I get the “Your order has shipped” email in my in box! I guess maybe my problem is impatience. I can’t wait for the item to actually arrive!
I know there are a lot of people who feel the opposite way about online shopping. They prefer shopping online versus in store. I’d love to know more about why. Is it the anticipation of getting the item in a couple days? The surprise of coming home to a box on the porch?
Which are you? I’d love to hear about it in the comments.