So I am very late to the party on this book, but I am no less entranced by it then the first reader probably was. This book makes me want to shove it in people’s faces and say “Read this”. Actually, I think I did do that! I’ll be honest, I don’t like to read “trendy” books, I usually find them less interesting than their hype leads me to believe. Usually they are a sad disappointment. I had wanted to go to the movie before I read the book, I know, counter intuitive, but in this instance, I wanted to take the movie in without any preconceived notions, but I wasn’t able to do it yet. I was in the airport, desperate for a good read and I saw it.
I bought it and I was obsessed from the first chapter. I actually tried to plan around trying to find time to finish it, I was that obsessed. I was so intrigued by the tale of this marriage that I could not put it down.
The book is about Nick and Amy and the twists and turns of their relationship, full of lies, betrayal, sex and two extremely different versions of the truth. Just your everyday suburban couple 🙂
Weirdly, you find yourself rooting for each of them in different ways. I compare it to a Snapped episode, where you hear some horrid tale of marriage and think, yeah, I can kinda see why she ended up doing that to him. I don’t want to give anything away for those other 5 people who haven’t read the book yet, but I particularly liked Amy’s description of every man’s perfect girlfriend and what a fraud it can be.
We all know that we put our best foot forward early in the relationship life cycle, but what happens after that is what this book is really about. When we really get to know our spouse and live through life’s not so pleasant turns is when the real intimacy starts. If there were cracks in the foundation to begin with, that stress will cause a fissure so deep it will never be overcome.
My only issue is that the last few chapters felt a little less detailed for me, but otherwise I loved this book! For the 80 bazillion of you who have already read it, did you love it? was it one of the best books you have read lately? I would love to discuss it in the comments!