I love when I stumble across an inspirational quote that really makes me think. This one from The Love Notebook certainly does it for me. How many times do we self sabotage and question what happens to us even when it’s good? It can always be better. If only, blank had happened. That’s great, but what about blank. This is okay, but wait until we get to blank.
I, for sure, hear myself telling me those things. What if we were just happy for ourselves similar to how we would be for a friend? How do you handle it when good things happen to you? I’d love to hear about it in the comments.
Tricia the Good Mama says
Great quote! I try to go with the flow as much as possible, but it can be difficult sometimes. This is a good reminder!
Tricia the Good Mama recently posted…Easy Beet Soup Recipe
bja7765 says
I know! It’s so hard! I think I may print this one out
Tiffany says
This is so true and so timely for me. I have a tendancy to drown myself in the ‘what ifs’ instead of simply enjoying the what is. Great post and great quote.
Tiffany recently posted…Pumpkin Man #WordlessWednesday
bja7765 says
Thank you so much for reading and commenting!