It seems that arrows are taking over in accesories and home décor lately. I am seeing them everywhere. I don’t know if it’s the Katniss effect or what, but every blogger seems to have an arrow DIY. I started an arrow board on my Pinterest to start collecting some of theRead More
Target Finds
It’s always amazing to me how different Targets are from each other. Some seem super picked over and others have items I have never seen before at my local Target. I love to see what’s on the sale end caps too, but I feel like it can be really different from store toRead More
Friday Five
I can’t believe it’s Labor Day next weekend. This summer has flown by! This week has had its up and downs, but overall was pretty good. Here’s my highlights for the week. You know your day is looking up when you come back from a meeting and this box isRead More
Capsule Wardrobe
Have you heard about capsule wardrobes? I haven’t yet tracked down the origin, but several bloggers I follow have decided to try them. A capsule wardrobe is a limited set of clothing, usually by season. For example, you might have 30 pieces of clothing for the 3 months ofRead More
Easy Fall Wreath Tutorial
My patriotic door wreath was looking a little worse for the wear, so I thought it was time for something new. Last week I stopped into Hobby Lobby to grab some materials to make a late summer/early fall wreath. I didn’t want to go completely fall since we still haveRead More
Friday Five! Steeler Gear Edition
Tomorrow is the first pre-season Pittsburgh Steeler game and I decided to devote my Friday Five to game day gear! The majority of people attending games in Pittsburgh wear a jersey or some sort of official NFL Steeler gear ( me included). I am going to try and branch out aRead More
Ponytail Trick
(Via) I am sure you have seen this ponytail trick on Pinterest before. I’ve seen it a million times but didn’t try it until this week. I don’t have an actual picture of it, because it is impossible to take a photo of the back of your head byRead More