I have a hair appointment this weekend and I have been pinning hair ideas like crazy for the last two weeks. Normally I don’t change my hair much, except to go blonder (I have blonderexia). However, I do always wish I had a hair “style”. Like when you look atRead More
Fall is Coming!
I popped into Hobby Lobby this weekend because I wanted to make a late summer/early fall wreath for the front door and I got lost in all the fall décor items they had in stock. I told myself to just stay on the flower side of the store, but gotRead More
New Look
The Salty Blonde has undergone her first facelift. I’d love to know what you think of the new look and if you are having any problems with the site. I know many of you view via your phone or iPad, please let me know if any issues viewing it! ReachRead More
Liebster Award
One of the fun things about blogging is the blog friends you meet via it. It really is a very supportive community and I really look forward to finding new blogs all the time. One bloggy friend I’ve made is Tiffany from Bright on a Budget. We haven’t yet metRead More
Coach Fall Transition Bags
Coach August 2014 by saltyblonde Can you believe it’s August already? It’s crazy how fast summer goes especially in comparison with that horrid endless winter we had this year. With the arrival of August, it is inevitable that we have to start looking for fall clothes and accessories soon. IRead More
Friday Five
(Via) It has been one loooong week for me. I was super busy at work and had all day meetings 3 out of 5 days this week. I am definitely happy to see Friday finally! I had some good things happen this week and one really bad makeup mishap!! I went toRead More
Pretty in Pink
My favorite color was always red, I had a red car, red coat, red purses, but then I somehow began to like red’s sweeter sister pink. I’ve now fallen completely in love with it and tend to gravitate toward it. Don’t get me wrong, I still want every piece ofRead More