I am a huge Pinterest addict and I made a vow to myself when I started the blog that I was going to try more of the things I pinned and report back on whether they were successful or not. I do find the Pinterest fails really funny, but IRead More
Deep Thoughts
Remember Deep Thoughts from SNL? Used to crack me up. In all seriousness, sometimes you need a little motivating quote to get you through the week. Here’s one for today! Check out Salty Blonde’s Inspiration Board for more. Via
Sunday Shopping Trip
I went shopping today to finish up my Mother’s Day shopping. While I was out, I stopped by my local Anthropologie to grab a few things for my cubicle makeover (coming to the blog soon!). The window displays are always amazing at Anthro and today was no exception. Excuse theRead More
Friday Five
I am going to try and highlight the great parts of my week every Friday by linking up to LaurenElizabeth’s High Five for Friday. Here’s my Friday Five: 1. Even though it was rainy and kind of cold this week, it is May finally! Hopefully the weather starts catching upRead More
The Following Season Finale
Spoiler Alert So the whole Joe Carroll and the twins ending was what I figured would happen, but I was surprised by Claire. Overall, not sure I am going to watch next season. Thoughts? How did you feel about this season? I was pretty engaged last season, but this seasonRead More
I am so excited to start this blog! I’ve been thinking about starting one for sooo long. I finally decided the time was right. I plan to talk about my take on life, clothes, makeup, hair, home decor and hopefully do a few tv recaps! I can’t promise this isRead More